Mayor veto-ed on March 24, 2023
Council voted to over-ride the Mayor’s veto on April 3, 2023
The City of Monticello, Iowa
Approving the hiring of Aquatics Coordinator and a Park and Recreation internship staff and setting wage
WHEREAS, Monticello Park and Recreation Director desires to hire an Aquatics Coordinator. Their duties and responsibilities would include, but are not limited to, ensuring staff certifications, leading aquatic staff training, staff scheduling, pre-season and in-season in-services, develop/implement a variety of new aquatic programming, provide on-site supervision, manage daily operations of aquatic center, and other duties as assigned relative to the aquatic center, must be a certified lifeguard and possess Water Safety Instructor certification. Wage to be in the range of $8,000-$10,000, paid out as a monthly stipend from April-August, with potential for incentives and bonuses based on additional programming/’new’ revenue, and
WHEREAS, Monticello Park and Recreation Director desires to hire an Internship. Their responsibilities would include, but are not limited to assisting with planning/ promoting/ scheduling of various programs and special events, assisting with marketing and communication efforts, assisting with concession operations. Wage to be $5,000, paid out as a monthly stipend from May-August, and
WHEREAS, Monticello Park and Recreation Director discussed Aquatics Coordinator possible incentives could include additional $250 for Lifeguard Instructor certification, a percentage (determined by Park and Recreation Director/Park Board) of registration or entry fee for new programs/events, not to exceed $250/program or event, and
WHEREAS, Monticello Park and Recreation Director discussed Internship potential. Potential for incentives and bonuses based on additional programming meeting goals set by Park and Recreation Director and Park Board. Examples of potential incentives include a percentage of registration/entry fees for new programs/events, not to exceed $250/program or event, percentage of sponsorship dollars raised for events/banner program (not to exceed $1,000), and
WHEREAS, The City Administrator and Park and Recreation Director recommends hiring an Aquatics Coordinator and Park and Recreation internship staff , to work under the supervision of the Park and Recreation Director, and
WHEREAS, The Park and Recreation Board and Director recommends hiring staff, as noted above and
NOW, THEREFORE, The Council hereby approves hiring an Aquatics Coordinator and Park and Recreation internship staff and wage, as noted above.
IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my name and caused the Great Seal of the City of Monticello, Iowa to be affixed hereto. Done this 3rd day of April 2023.
David Goedken, Mayor
Sally Hinrichsen, City Clerk/Treasurer