The City of Monticello, Iowa
RESOLUTION #2023-177
Authorizing City Administrator Russell Farnum and Fire Chief Joe Bayne to work with Jones County Emergency Management Coordinator Brenda Leonard to apply for the Mitigation Project Grant and to provide funding for the Backup Generator for the Fire Department
WHEREAS, the Iowa Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Mitigation has money for infrastructure and acquisition/demolition project under its Hazard Mitigation Grant Program. The program provides FEMA hazard mitigation grants at 75% matched by Iowa grant money at an additional 10%. Consequently, the local (Monticello) funded match is 15%, which can be either cash or in-kind contributions, and
WHEREAS, Jones County Emergency Management Coordinator Brenda Leonard has offered to assist in the grant application process to provide funding to assist with the Backup Generator for the Fire Department, and
WHEREAS, City Council finds recognizes that there will be many documents that will need to be signed on behalf in relation to the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program and finds that the City Administrator should be given authorization to sign and/or execute said documents moving forward so as to not cause unnecessary delays in the process and acknowledging that the forms are all tied to the Grant Application and intended funding to assist with the Backup Generator for the Fire Department.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of Monticello, Iowa does hereby authorize the City Administrator to sign and/or execute all documents associated with the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program tied to the Grant Application and intended funding to assist with the Backup Generator for the Fire Department, for the City of Monticello without further action of the City Council.
IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my name and caused the Great Seal of the City of Monticello, Iowa to be affixed hereto. Done this 4th day of December, 2023.
David Goedken, Mayor
Sally Hinrichsen, City Clerk/Treasurer