The City of Monticello, Iowa
Accepting Dedication of the extension of John Drive and public improvements located within the right-of-way thereof, correcting incorrect Parcel references in previous Resolution.
WHEREAS, The City of Monticello, Iowa is an incorporated City within Jones County, Iowa; and
WHEREAS, The City of Monticello previously approved the Plat of Survey to Parcel 2017-92, same intended to be utilized for purposes of a City street extension to serve the new “JETS” building to be located on Parcel 2017-91, and
WHEREAS, The extension of John Drive on, over, and across Parcel 2017-92 has been completed to the satisfaction of the City after inspections by the City Engineer and City staff and corrective measures by the contractor and the developer has dedicated the street and all related public improvements, located within said right-of-way, to the City of Monticello for public use and enjoyment, and
WHEREAS, The City of Monticello finds, based upon the above and foregoing, that the public improvements should be accepted as public improvements, to be maintained and preserved by the City of Monticello for the use, enjoyment, and benefit of the citizens of Monticello, and
WHEREAS, The City of Monticello City Council approved Resolution #18-127 at their regular meeting of November 5, 2018 intending to accept the dedication of the aforementioned improvements on Parcel 2017-92 but in doing so incorrectly identified the Plat of Survey parcel number as Parcel 2018-48, a parcel over which a future street extension is planned but not yet complete.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of Monticello, Iowa does hereby accept the dedication of the extension of John Drive, identified as Parcel 2017-92 by a previously approved Plat of Survey, as well as all other city infrastructure, including water and sewer mains, valves, hydrants, and other City infrastructure improvements located within the City Street right-of-way, this Resolution being corrective to Resolution #18-127, approved by the Council on November 5, 2018, wherein the Council incorrectly accepted the dedication of improvements on Parcel 2018-48, a parcel set aside for future street construction where no street or infrastructure has yet occurred, and for that reason the action of the Council in accepting the dedication of improvements to Parcel 2018-48 is by the passage of this Resolution set aside and corrected.
IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my name and caused the Great Seal for the City of Monticello, Iowa to be affixed. Done this 19th day of November, 2018.
Brian Wolken, Mayor
Sally Hinrichsen, City Clerk