Moved by Goedken. Seconded by Russ that the following resolution be adopted:
WHEREAS, as a condition to receiving State and Federal aid for the Monticello Regional Airport, the following provisions must be met:
• Approved 5-Year Capital Improvement Program,
• Approved Airport Improvement Program Data sheets with the Sponsor’s
• Certification that the local match exists if the grant is awarded
• Authorization to submit the proposed projects for State or Federal Grants; and
WHEREAS, the FY 2017 airport capital improvement data sheet, and the FY 2017 Five-Year Capital Improvement Program and ACIP data sheets are attached listing projects deemed to be in the best interest to the Monticello Regional Airport.
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Monticello authorizes the submittal of the FY 2017 airport improvement program and associated airport improvement program data sheets for potential Federal Aviation Administration Grants over the next five years covered by the plan and certifies that the local match of 10% is available for each project awarded a grant.
Dena Himes, Mayor
Sally Hinrichsen, City Clerk