The City of Monticello, Iowa
Resolution to approve investment in downtown Redevelopment.
WHEREAS, A November, 2012 downtown fire resulted in the demolition of many store fronts and damage to many others, and
WHEREAS, One of the damaged, but standing store fronts, has not been renovated and the previously existing business (Keleher’s Jewelry) has permanently relocated, with no intent to return to the prior location, and
WHEREAS, The owner of one of the demolished buildings (KIJI Ltd. – Intlekofer) was home to many businesses over the years, most recently a number of salons, and the owner has made clear that he has no intent of rebuilding, and
WHEREAS, The owners of three lots, housing one business (Monticello Carpet and Interiors) has indicated a desire to rebuild on the site as part of a redevelopment plan in that area, and
WHEREAS, The Council has been informed that the following plan to re-develop the fire damaged area has been put together, after many discussions between the City Administrator, the Chamber of Commerce, Business Owners – both impacted by the fire and otherwise, to wit:
1. The City acquisition of the duplex located at 117 E. Grand Street for the sum of $60,000 plus related closing costs, the demolition (or removal) of said structure, and the construction of a parking lot in that location, with improvements to the adjacent alleyway. (City Engineer has estimated the costs of the parking/alleyway improvements to be in the neighborhood of $65,000, not including the demolition or removal of the duplex.)(NOTE: The Council previously, after closed session, directed the City Administrator to negotiate the purchase of this property for $60,000 for purposes of constructing a parking lot, contingent upon Intlekofer agreeing to the gifting of his lot to the City and the Monti. Carpet Owners agreeing to rebuild on the site of their prior building. (Monti. Carpet initially considered building over the Intlekofer lot but has decided against it. These conditions have been met.)
2. The City will be gifted the lot located at 112 E. 1st Street (Intlekofer property), with the City covering costs related to property acquisition.
3. The City will acquire the property located at 114 E. 1st Street for the sum of $3,000, said $3,000 to be donated to the City by two private donors, with the City being responsible for closing costs and demolition costs related thereto. (Approximate demolition cost: $20,000.)
4. The City will construct a walkway and other improvements from the “new” Municipal parking Lot through the 112/114 E. 1st Street lots to E. 1st Street.
5. Monticello Carpet and Interiors will rebuild in their prior location. (Same being one of the conditions imposed by the City, before previously agreeing to the purchase of the Grand Street property.) and,
WHEREAS, The Council finds that the downtown 1st Street Corridor, from the intersection of E. 1st and Cedar Street to the intersection of 1st Street and Main Street is in the TIF District, and has been in the TIF District since the creation of the original TIF district in 1992, twenty-one years ago, and
WHEREAS, The Council finds that the downtown is an integral part of the community, and that all existing and future businesses benefit from the existence of each other, adequate parking, and other amenities, and
WHEREAS, The Council finds that the use of City funds, whether from the general fund or the T.I.F. fund, should that be approved, is appropriate and a wise and just investment in an area of the community that has provided taxes to support other incentivized economic development projects previously approved by the City Council, and
WHEREAS, In furtherance of the above plan, the City Administrator should immediately take the following steps:
1. Acquisition of the KIJI-Intlekofer property.
2. Acquisition of the Keleher Property (after the receipt of donations in the amount of the purchase price $3,000).
3. Acquisition of the Chally duplex.
4. Seek bids to remove or demolish the Chally duplex and the Keleher building as soon as possible after acquisition.
5. Request that the Engineer begin to prepare plans and specifications for the alley, parking lot, and access from the parking lot to E. 1st Street, for review and consideration by the City Council, and
6. Work with the Chamber of Commerce, and other interested parties, to put proposed “green space” designs/layouts together for future consideration of the City Council.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Monticello does hereby formally approve of the downtown redevelopment plan as outlined above and directs the City Administrator to proceed as denoted within the above Resolution, with the understanding that the Council will separately address whether or not to use Tax Increment Financing funds to cover the City investment in the downtown redevelopment as noted above.
IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my name and caused the Great Seal of the City of Monticello, Iowa to be affixed hereto. Done this 18th day of November, 2013.
Dena Himes, Mayor
Sally Hinrichsen, Monticello City Clerk