Resolution to approve Purchase of 2002 John Deere 6420 for use
at the Monticello Airport.
WHEREAS, the City Airport contains large areas of grounds that require mowing, and
WHEREAS, during heavy winter snows, particularly when there are numerous heavy snows, the runways at the airport must be blown free of snow, and
WHEREAS, The Airport does not have a tractor suitable for mowing the grounds, having used a smaller garden tractor for this purpose in the past, and the Airport must contract for snow removal from the runways when blowing of the snow is necessary, and
WHEREAS, with the City Public Works Dpt. getting a new snow blower to use on City Streets during winter months, the Airport will be able to use the old City snow blower with the proposed tractor to blow snow when necessary, and
WHEREAS, The Airport budget includes $10,000 for this purpose and the balance would need to be paid from remaining funds in the airport budget at the end of the FY, if any, with the balance to be paid by way of a budget amendment, and
WHEREAS, The Council recognizes that the Airport Budget is part of the General Fund, and for that reason any cash carryovers are not set aside in a fund for the Airport, and further recognizes that if carryovers had been set aside in an airport fund from the end of FY ’05 through the end of FY ’10, there would be a fund balance of approximately $83,000, not taking into account City investments in AIP projects in FY ’05, ’06, and ’08.
NOW THEREFORE, the City of Monticello hereby approves of the purchase of the John Deere 6420 as recommended by the Airport Board, and proposes that the issue of a budget amendment to the Airport Budget be looked at and dealt with as we near the end of the Fiscal Year so that a determination may be made with regard to the necessary budget amount.