Resolution to approve Sale of Pumper Truck to High Bidder
WHEREAS, The Monticello Fire Department has replaced an outdated pumper truck with the plan of selling the outdated model, and
WHEREAS, The Monticello Fire Department advertised the pumper truck both in the Monticello Express, Cityscape magazine and a Fire Department Advertiser/Magazine, for sealed bid, and in the end received two sealed bids, one in the amount of $5,150 and another in the amount of $2,165, and
WHEREAS, The Fire Chief, and the Fire Board both recommend that the fire truck be sold to the high bidder, Stephen Intlekofer for the sum of $5,150.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of Monticello, Iowa does hereby approve of the sale of the 1983 Ford C-800 Pumper Truck to Steve Intlekofer for the sum of $5,150.