To approve execution and submission of Iowa DNR Brownfield Redevelopment program Community Assistance Contracts with regard to Asbestos and Phase I inspections at and/or on the Riddle property/building located at 615 E. Washington Street and the Clark property/building located at 608 E. Washington Street.
WHEREAS, the City of Monticello, Iowa is an incorporated City within Jones County, Iowa; and
WHEREAS, the City is interested in working with property owners, owning properties in the flood plain and/or flood way, to investigate the possibility, benefits, and cost to the City of acquiring their properties for purposes of demolition and redevelopment into park and/or green space, clearing the flood way / flood plain of impediments to natural flooding, and is also interested in seeing to the continuation of existing businesses from said locations to new locations that are not subject to flooding, and
WHEREAS, the Iowa DNR has funding available to assist the City in studying the properties in advance of City ownership, to ascertain the presence or existence of environmental hazards, so that costs related to abatement can be determined before the formal acquisition has occurred, and
WHEREAS, the owners of the Riddle property and the Clark property have agreed to allow testing at their locations, and are full agreement with the City’s plan to seek ownership of said properties, and
WHEREAS, the DNR has prepared agreements that set out their obligation to reimburse the City, in full, for costs incurred by the City in obtaining the Asbestos and Phase I inspections.
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Monticello, Iowa does hereby approve of the execution and submission by the City Administrator of Iowa DNR Brownfield Redevelopment program Community Assistance Contracts with regard to Asbestos and Phase I inspections at and/or on the Riddle property/building located at 615 E. Washington Street and the Clark property/building located at 608 E. Washington Street.