Regular Council Meeting – Official
September 4, 2018 – 6:00 P.M.
Community Media Center
Mayor Brian Wolken called the meeting to order. Council present: Dave Goedken, Gary “Butch” Pratt, Rob Paulson, Johnny Russ, Chris Lux and Tom Yeoman. Also present were City Administrator Doug Herman, City Clerk Sally Hinrichsen, Public Works Director Brant LaGrange, Police Chief Britt Smith and City Engineer Patrick Schwickerath.
Yeoman moved to approve the agenda, Pratt seconded, roll call unanimous.
During Open Forum, Phil Larabee, 908 W 1st St, addressed Council in regard to storm water issues in the Schoon Addition that he believed were tied to modifications made to the street from an inverted crown to a standard crown street a number of years ago. Herman indicated that City Engineer Casey Zwolinski indicated at the August 6th Council meeting that inverted crown streets are rarely constructed as running water down the center of the street as opposed to removing water from the street reduces the life of the street. Herman will discuss options with Engineer.
Dave Lumpa, 410 S Linden St, addressed Council in regard to sewer backup in his and his neighbor’s homes. LaGrange stated he met with Lumpa and advised him to hire a plumber and they would have a joint meeting to discuss his concerns. LaGrange heard his plumber was there two weeks later but was not notified to meet with them. Council suggested that Lumpa set up a meeting with LaGrange and his plumber if he wished to discuss further.
Goedken moved to approve the consent agenda, Pratt seconded, roll call unanimous.
Herman proposed that the Council consider a motion to express interest in participating in RAGBRIA next year. Goedken questioned if a request could be made to be a pass through, but not an overnight community. Wolken advised that the RAGBRAI submission would need to explain why the City did not wish to be considered as an overnight community. Wolken indicated that he had taken steps to confirm the required rooms in Monticello and Anamosa hotels and Russ suggested that the use of the fairgrounds as the primary camp site would keep the event centralized unlike last time RAGBRIA was in town which overlapped with Friday night of the fair. Yeoman was in favor of expressing interest if the Chamber also supported it and believed there would be a positive economic impact. Goedken stated he was not in favor of being considered as an overnight town while Paulson and Lux opposed submission of the application. No action was taken.
Herman reviewed Pay Request #10 from Schaus-Vorhies related to the Airport 10-T Hangar project, which would pay contractor for a silt fence that was not actually installed during the project. Engineer Troy Culver explained to Herman that the contractor requested compensation for this line item and Culver recommended approval of the pay request as in his opinion the project did not experience siltation issues based upon other steps taken by the contractor to manage siltation. Herman talked with Airport Manager Paul Elmegreen, who was not in favor of the pay request. Herman stated that the contractor could request a change order to be compensate for any efforts outside of the contract, if any, related to siltation management. Yeoman moved to approve Resolution #18-100 To approve Pay Request #10, related to the Monticello Airport Ten-T Hangar project, to Schaus-Vorhies in the amount of $4,127.94, Russ seconded, roll call were all nays. Motion failed.
Yeoman moved to approve Resolution #18-101 To approve Pay Request #11, related to the Monticello Airport Ten-T Hangar project, to Schaus-Vorhies in the amount of $32,543.77, Goedken seconded, roll call unanimous.
Yeoman moved to approve Resolution #18-102 Approving Final Acceptance of the 2017 Ten-T Hangar Project, Russ seconded, roll call unanimous.
Herman reported that the P & Z Board reviewed and recommended approval of Plat of Survey to Parcels 2018-55 and 2018-58, both being located within the two-mile jurisdiction of the City. Goedken moved to approve Resolution #18-103 Approving Plat of Survey to Parcels 2018-55 and 2018-58, Lux seconded, roll call unanimous.
Herman reported that FEMA Hazard Mitigation funds are available for eligible projects, including property buyouts. Herman reported that the Welter family has consented to the City pursuing funding to acquire the “Old Energy Building” located at 100 N Main Street. At this point, the process is exploratory and voluntary, meaning the property owners and/or City could reverse course moving forward. Herman provided a rough estimate of total project costs, including the purchase, inspections, abatements and removal at $400,000. Based upon the estimate, the City share would be 15% or $60,000, the State share would be 10% or $40,000 and the FEMA share would be 75% or $300,000. Goedken moved to approve Resolution #18-104 Authorizing completion and submission of Notice of Interest in Structural Acquisition buyout forms with Iowa Homeland Security (FEMA flood related property buy-out program), Yeoman seconded, roll call unanimous.
Herman reported that three bids were received for the Aquatic Center “pool” painting project. Staff, some Park Board Members and Mayor met with the two low bidders and recommended proceeding with the low bidder, Claussen Painting, who submitted a bid of $19,500. Goedken moved to approve Resolution #18-105 To approve retention of Claussen Painting to paint the Monticello Aquatic Center Pool and Baby Pool, Pratt seconded, roll call unanimous.
Herman explained that City staff had identified budget amendments that should be made at this time to avoid spending in excess of currently budgeted amounts explaining that the City is to amend programs prior to spending in excess of the budgeted amounts. Hinrichsen also added other proposed amendments that have resulted from projects considered and approved by the Council after the approval of the FY 2019 budget. Herman will have more detail on the specific amendments at the Public Hearing set for September 17th at 6:00 PM. Goedken moved to approve Resolution #18-106 Scheduling Public Hearing on City of Monticello 2018/2019 Fiscal Year budget amendments for September 17, 2018 at 6:00 p.m., Lux seconded, roll call unanimous.
Herman reported that the City sewer may be extended from Madalyn Court through private property to serve three currently unserved properties along N. Cedar Street.
Herman reported that the City pulls one water well approximately every three years for inspection. LaGrange stated that the West Well has been pulled and will be inspected via a camera that will be dropped into the well tomorrow.
Schwickerath reviewed three options for the South Cedar Street ditch repairs and will have cost estimates and information at next meeting. Goedken asked if the stream route could be extended to the south a bit, moving it away from S. Cedar Street, to allow for additional repair options. Schwickerath believed that the DNR would allow that but would have to investigate further.
Schwickerath reported that the IDOT has approved the proposed additional work related to the First Street Bridge Project. He is currently getting contractor signatures and then finalize with the DOT. Work will be performed this fall.
Herman reported that water is pooling in the Baty Disc Golf Course where culverts were removed on E 1st Street. Public Works staff plans to address the ponding with the installation of a drain and tile to Kitty Creek.
Herman requested that Council confirm his recollection that they did not want to proceed with “City Wide” clean up at this time, based upon recent changes made to the sanitation collection service including the once monthly bulk item collection option for customers. The Council confirmed that was their intent. Herman indicated that the Council could always reconsider that decision at a later date, should they find the need exists.
Herman suggested forming a committee to review the vicious dog ordinance. Wolken, Goedken and Pratt will meet with Herman and Smith to review.
Herman advised the proposed trail through Willow Park has received two grants to date, one from Parks to People in the not to exceed amount of $12,000 and one from the Rotary Club in the approximate amount of $10,000 – $15,000. The proposed cost is $70,000 – $80,000. (Project costs include City labor and donated labor). He is looking into some other grants, but needs to proceed, with or without additional grants, for the City to take advantage of the Parks to People Grant as it must be spent by year’s end. Schwickerath stated 10 foot or wider trails are most common, with 6 inches of concrete. Consensus of Council was to proceed with the collection of bids for both an 8 foot and 10 foot trail with re-rod 3 foot on center and 6 inches of concrete.
Herman stated a Fountain Park Planning committee meeting was schedule for this week. He intends to apply for a $25,000 grant from the Community Foundation to repair the fountain this fall so that it could be operational next spring. Current estimate submitted by Josh Iben came in at $36,000. Herman would then seek grants to proceed with Phase II that would include other amenities deeded desirable by the committee and Council. Another option would be to hold off on the fountain for another year and apply for the Community Foundation Grant to assist with the Willow Park trail expenses. Consensus was to apply for the fountain repairs.
Herman updated Council on the Berndes Center floor which is completed. He reported that the floor mat was to be 7MM but that a 9MM mat was installed. The thicker mat may be better from a sports standpoint but was not the mat recommended by the Anderson Ladd salesperson based upon the multi-use nature of the floor. The Urethane to be installed was the ECO 2500, instead the ECO 2000 was used. The ECO 2000 is a lesser grade of product that does not have the same elasticity as the ECO 2500. Upon removal of the old flooring it was determined that the cement required leveling. Anderson Ladd subcontractor provided a cost estimate of $20,000. Berndes Staff and Herman met with and hired Robert Claussen to perform the same work at a cost of $6,000. The moisture content of the floor was deemed to be too high as well, requiring the installation of a vapor barrier. The Anderson Ladd installers applied 25 gallons of sealer and have submitted an invoice in the amount of $22,000. Herman is working with company representatives on these issues.
Herman contacted Norm Zimmerman regarding the N Chestnut Street lot after hearing rumors that he was trying to sell the lot. Zimmerman advised that he was approached by someone asking if he had interest in selling the lot. Herman will review agreement between City and Zimmerman to verify what was required of Zimmerman under the agreement. Zimmerman expressed in an e-mail to Herman that his agreement to build a house on the N Chestnut Street lot was contingent upon the City getting sewer to his property on N Cedar. Neither Herman nor the Council expressed a similar recollection.
LaGrange discussed the water leak repair near the Cliff Payne property, 211 & 213 E. First Street that was determined to be tied to an abandoned service line into the Payne property. Cliff Payne indicated that he was not responsible for the abandoned service line, that it had been abandoned prior to his ownership of the building, and that he didn’t believe he should be responsible for the entire repair invoice. Council discussed possibly splitting the bill 50 / 50. Payne indicated that he would consider the council proposal. The potential division of the repair expense will be placed on the next agenda.
Herman updated the Council on the Hughes Garage junk vehicle removal progress indicating that he did not see obvious progress since the last meeting. Council will get regular updates at Council meetings moving forward until clean-up project has been completed.
Smith reviewed the proposed School Resource Officer Program and proposed agreement between the City and the School. The agreement will be on the next agenda for consideration of approval.
Russ questioned the status of the 6th Street ditch project. Herman explained that he was waiting to hear back from the bond attorney. He will reach out to him again and get an update on the next agenda.
Schwickerath reported that they have completed initial design concepts for the N Sycamore Street Project and met with Herman and LaGrange today to review. He will begin working on the Preliminary Plans and Specs based on the design concept plans. Schwickerath asked for confirmation that the Council wished to proceed with the plan to install decorative light fixtures as was done on 2nd Street and South Street. Consensus of the Council was to proceed with that plan, with Paulson expressing some objection to doing so.
Yeoman moved to go into closed session under §21.5(1)(j) of the Iowa Code “To discuss purchase of particular real estate only where premature disclosure could be reasonably expected to increase the price the governmental body would have to pay for the property”, seconded by Russ. Roll call unanimous, except Paulson who voted nay.
Pratt moved, Russ seconded to end the closed session and return to open session. Roll call unanimous, except Paulson who voted nay. No action was taken.
Pratt moved to adjourn at 8:24 P.M.
Brian Wolken, Mayor
Sally Hinrichsen, City Clerk