Regular Council Meeting – Official
May 1, 2017
Community Media Center
6:00 P.M.
Mayor Dena Himes called the meeting to order. Council present: Dave Goedken, Brian Wolken, Rob Paulson, Johnny Russ, Chris Lux and Tom Yeoman. Also present were City Administrator Doug Herman, City Clerk Sally Hinrichsen, Public Works Director Brant LaGrange, City Engineers Patrick Schwickerath and Casey Zwolinski and Police Chief Britt Smith.
Yeoman moved to approve the agenda, amending bill list to include Spahn & Rose Lumber for picnic tables at Kleinow Field and Morrison Tree Farm for trees at the ball parks, in the amounts of $450.00 and $3,300, respectively. Wolken seconded, roll call unanimous.
Wolken moved to approve the consent agenda, Paulson seconded, roll call unanimous.
Dr. Brian James commented on his disappointments with the South Street Project by his dental practice located at 630 South Main. He expressed concern over the gas main that was hit, loss of phone service, trucks blocking his driveways, and an incident on April 20th where water sprayed out of a staff restroom when the sewer main in front of his business was being jetted. He also expressed concern with the construction staff, suggesting that they were disrespectful to him personally. He requested that the City Council waive the potential $6,000 project assessment due to loss of business, which he suggested could be $10,000 per day, and being otherwise put out by the project.
Mayor Himes opened the public hearing on the proposed amendment to the existing Urban Renewal Area, by the addition of properties to the area, and Amendment of the Urban Renewal Plan, adding the Orbis Warehouse project to the plan. Herman reported that the proposed amendment would add the Advancement Services buildings and Energy Mfg. Building located on the south side of Plastic Lane, and the Orbis facility to the Urban Renewal Area. The plan amendment would add the proposed Orbis warehouse project to the plan, making said project eligible for TIF incentives. Orbis has looked at other out of state locations for the warehouse and has also investigated State of Iowa incentives. The State of Iowa has incentives available for the Orbis project and said incentives require a local match which would be met by the tax rebates previously approved by the City. No public comments were received, and City Staff reported that they had not received any oral or written comments. Herman reported that he had met with the School Superintendent and the County Auditor to discuss the proposed amendments. Mayor Himes closed the public hearing. Goedken moved to approve Resolution #17-50 A resolution to declare necessity and establish an urban renewal area, pursuant to Section 403.4 of the Code of Iowa, and to approve urban renewal plan amendment for the 2017 Addition to the Monticello Urban Renewal Area, adding the Orbis Warehouse project to the plan, Yeoman seconded, roll call unanimous.
Herman reported that the two west doors at the Berndes Center are in need of repair or replacement. He provided a quote from Zephyr Aluminum in amount of $5,292 to replace the two west doors. Herman reported that the City previously looked into repairing the doors and received a repair quote of approximately the same amount as the Zephyr replacement quote. The north door would be aluminum with no glass and the south door would be ½ glass and ½ aluminum panel. Goedken moved to approve Resolution #17-51 Resolution authorizing City Administrator to enter into agreement with Zephyr Aluminum Products, Inc. to replace door systems located on the west side of the Monticello Berndes, Lux seconded. After discussion, Wolken moved to amend the motion to have both doors be designed and installed with ½ glass and ½ aluminum panel, Goedken seconded. Roll call unanimous. Roll call on the amended motion was also unanimous.
Jones County Grant Wood Loop Representatives Dusty Embree, Kris Gobeli and Brad Hatcher presented a PowerPoint on the “Grant Wood Loop” projects located in Jones, Jackson and Dubuque Counties and cities located therein. The Grant Wood Loop came to exist out of the State of Iowa Parks to People pilot program awarded to Jones, Jackson, and Dubuque Counties. Of the three Counties, it was reported that Jones County, and communities within Jones County, had been allocated and/or received the largest portion of the Parks to People funding allocated for the three county region, with the Monticello Pocket Park receiving approximately $47,000. The Keep Iowa Beautiful /Home Town Pride program has awarded the Grant Wood Loop program the sum of $75,000 per year for five years to cover costs related to the continuing operation and administration of the program, the grant requiring an annual match of $25,000. It was requested that the City of Monticello contribute $1,500 towards the required match on an annual basis for five years. Goedken moved to approve Resolution #17-52, Resolution to approve investment in the Grant Wood Loop program with Hometown Pride / Keep Iowa Beautiful Grant Support, Russ seconded, roll call unanimous.
Herman reported that the airport Ten-T-Hangar project plans and specifications were reviewed by FAA and are on file at the City. Yeoman indicated that 35 airplanes were currently housed at the airport and that ½ of the proposed new hangar space would be filled immediately upon completion of construction. Goedken moved to approve Resolution #17-53 Resolution to provide for a notice of hearing on proposed plans, specifications, form of contract and estimate of cost for the 2017 Monticello Regional Airport Ten-T-Hangar Project, same now being on file with the City Clerk, and the taking of bids therefor. Russ seconded, roll call unanimous. Hearing will be held on May 15, 2017 at 6 PM with bids to be received on May 31, 2017. Herman advised the Council that while this project is eligible to be covered 90% by federal funding that the federal investment is limited to $600,000. He reported that if the bids come in high that the Council may be asked to consider a loan to the airport to cover the additional costs in addition to the prospect of scaling back the project from a 10 T hangar to an 8 T hangar. There is an outside chance that the Airport could request additional funding from the FAA from unspent funds at other airports but Herman cautioned that it was unlikely such a request would be successful on this non-airside project.
Yeoman moved Ordinance #695 amending Chapter 165 “ZONING REGULATIONS” of certain property located within the City Limits of the City of Monticello, same being generally described as a vacant lot located at the SE Corner of E. Washington and S. Cedar Street (112 E. Washington Street), Monticello, IA 52310 and amending the Official Zoning Map, third and final reading and in title only, Goedken seconded, Roll call unanimous. This will change the zoning from C-1 General Commercial to R-1 Single-Family Residential.
Goedken moved Ordinance #697 amending Chapter 165 “ZONING REGULATIONS” of certain property located within the City Limits of the City of Monticello, same being generally described as 410 E. Oak Street, Monticello, IA 52310 and amending the Official Zoning map, third and final reading and in title only, Russ seconded, Roll call unanimous. This will change the zoning from R-1 Single-Family Residential to R-3 Multiple Family Residential.
Wolken moved Ordinance #699 amending Chapter 165 “ZONING REGULATIONS” of certain property located within the City Limits of the City of Monticello, same being generally described as set forth within Addendum A, attached hereto, all located within the City Limits of Monticello, IA 52310 and amending the Official Zoning Map, third and final reading and in title only, Russ seconded, Roll call vote, Wolken, Russ, Paulson, Lux and Yeoman voted aye, Goedken abstained as he has property being rezoned. Motion carried.
Herman reported City Code needs to be updated to allow taxes in the 2017 addition to the Urban Renewal Area to be collected as TIF revenue. Goedken moved Ordinance #700 providing for the division of taxes levied on taxable property in the 2017 Addition to the Monticello Urban Renewal Area, pursuant to Section 403.19 of the Code of Iowa, first reading and in title only, Yeoman seconded, roll call unanimous.
Herman reported that he reviewed the draft Orbis site plan with Orbis representatives and discussed with them their desire to construct the new warehouse utilizing a 30’ rear yard setback while the City Code currently calls for a 40’ setback in an M-1, M-2 and C-1. Goedken moved Ordinance #701 amending the Monticello Code of Ordinances, by amending Chapter 165.29, “Bulk Requirements”, first reading and in title only, Yeoman seconded, roll call unanimous.
Herman reported that there is one position open on the Tree Board.
Herman reported that the City may appoint two members to the ECIA Board. They meet in Dubuque quarterly and focus on low-income housing needs and rental assistance. Council members and staff are not eligible to serve on the ECIA Board. Residents interested in being considered for appointment may contact Herman.
Herman stated that Josh Iben has been working with the City on ideas for the fountain near the Aquatic Center. Herman stated that he would get prices put together and report back.
Herman stated that he has requested an update from Al Hughes and will report back to the Council at the next meeting.
Herman reported that he investigated vision insurance options at the request of Dr. Gary Fisher as Dr. Fisher has chosen to not participate with the City’s current carrier. Herman provided the Council with premium cost and coverage data associated with a few providers. After reviewing the data the Council determined that the increased costs of the alternatives did not support a change and the consensus of the Council was to stay with the current insurance.
Herman updated the City Council on various complaints received from Steve Intlekofer claiming that the parking lot rock placement adjacent to his Grand Street building has caused a mold problem in the back corner of his building. City staff continues to receive regular correspondence from Intlekofer. Herman has offered to work with him towards a solution. Potential solutions include re-grading the rock next to his building or removing some of the concrete poured behind his building by the owner of the building to the north of the Intlekofer building. Intlekofer also recently complained about the finish on the west wall of the Grand China building facing the Pocket Park. Herman explained his belief that the wall is a “party wall”. Herman reported that Intlekofer has an ownership interest in the Chinese Restaurant building.
Herman reported sending a termination letter to the City recycling contractor Roling Sanitation, whose contract expires in May 2018. This will allow City staff time to renegotiate or consider options such as recycling containers.
Herman reported that the City Code allows structures 3’ off of alleyways while requiring fences to be set back at least 5’ and questioned whether that made sense. Consensus of the Council was to amend the code to create consistency, not allowing any structures within 5’ of the alleyway right-of-way like the fencing restriction.
Herman discussed looking into inspection requirements related to homes relocated within Monticello and rental properties. He will look into it further and report back to Council.
Herman reported that Darrell’s Restaurant ownership has expressed interest in paving their parking lot and inquired whether or not the City would have loan funds for that purpose. The current cost estimate is around $80,000. The City downtown loan fund usually has around $35,000. Herman reviewed various options and considerations with the Council and the consensus of the Council was that Herman should investigate options with Darrell’s.
Herman reviewed Utility Service Group’s storage tank asset management maintenance program. Consensus of the Council was to not pursue the maintenance program at this time.
Smith reviewed a few uncontrolled intersections where he would recommend placing either stop or yield signs. Smith also discussed likely changes to Iowa fireworks laws and options the City has with regard to future regulation of fireworks in light of the State level changes.
Herman asked the City Council if they had any input on the future of the County Shop property for him to share with the Board of Supervisors who were beginning to discuss the future of that sight in light of the construction of the new shop just north of town. Council seemed to lean towards the redevelopment of the property as residential use property.
Schwickerath reported that they will perform a final walk through of E. South Street later this week. Once the project is completed the special assessments will be finalized.
Schwickerath reported that bids will be received on May 3, 2017 for the Main Street Project.
Schwickerath reported that the Airport Taxiway project is near completion with some final seeding, grading, and rock collection yet to be done.
Schwickerath reported that there would be a pre-construction meeting related to the Water Tower Project this week. He reviewed the logo size, coloration, and placement with the Council.
Schwickerath reported that plans related to the 6th Street Ditch are near completion.
Wolken moved to adjourn the Council meeting at 8:15 P.M., roll call vote unanimous.
Dena Himes, Mayor
Sally Hinrichsen, City Clerk