Regular Council Meeting
March 6, 2017
Community Media Center
6:00 P.M.
Mayor Dena Himes called the meeting to order. Council present: Dave Goedken, Brian Wolken, Rob Paulson, Johnny Russ and Chris Lux. Also present were City Administrator Doug Herman, City Clerk Sally Hinrichsen, Public Works Director Brant LaGrange, City Engineer Casey Zwolinski and Police Chief Britt Smith. Council member Tom Yeoman was absent.
Paulson moved to approve the agenda, Russ seconded, roll call unanimous.
Goedken moved to approve the consent agenda, Lux seconded, roll call unanimous.
Herman reported that the Free Masons propose a Child Identification event at the Citizens State Bank Youth Development Center on May 21, 2017 from 10 am to 4 pm. During the event they would take ID photos, video, DNA swab, a tooth imprint and fingerprint records of community children. This information would be beneficial in a search for a missing child. They are hoping to have a life flight helicopter land and be on display at the City Park during the event. Goedken moved to approve the Free Masons Child Identification Program on May 21, 2017 and to donate $200 towards the event, Paulson seconded, roll call unanimous.
Herman reported that Reese Cox and other 8th graders have planned a fundraiser dance to be held on March 25th in the Community Building to support an ill classmate and have requested the waiver of the normal rental fee. Russ moved to waive the Community Building rental fee as requested, Wolken seconded, roll call unanimous.
Herman reported that E911 Coordinator Garb Schwab had reached out to the City to discuss the fact that there were three separate road or street names in use between the swimming pool area on the north to the Ballou farm property on the south. Schwab proposed, to minimize confusion, that all properties along this stretch of road be given South Main Street addresses. He requested that the Council weigh in on his proposal before taking it to the E911 Service Board and the Jones County Board of Supervisors. Goedken wanted to make sure property owners were aware of the proposal before any change would take effect. Goedken moved to support Schwab’s proposal, agreeing that it would make sense to utilize South Main Street as a consistent address, Wolken seconded, roll call unanimous.
Mayor Himes opened the public hearing on the proposed Fiscal Year 2017/2018 City of Monticello Budget. Staff received no oral or written comments. Mayor Himes closed the hearing on the Fiscal Year 2017/2018 budget. Herman reported that the proposed tax rate was $13.86898, the same as last year, and briefly reviewed the budget. Goedken moved to approve Resolution #17-24 adopting the Annual Budget for Fiscal Year July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2018, Russ seconded, roll call unanimous.
Herman reported that the County Auditor requested that the Townships enter into an agreement with the City in regard to their annual Fire Dept. budget investment. Goedken moved to approve Resolution #17-25 Approving Fire Protection Agreements between City of Monticello and participating townships, Lux seconded, roll call unanimous.
Herman reported that Theisens had submitted an Application for Storm Water Cost Share related to a project to remedy storm water issues behind their building, between their building and the apartment building to the south. Council questioned if they could run the drainage under the sidewalk as opposed to the curb and gutter and whether or not a new, second catch basin, was necessary. LaGrange will meet with Theisens and Accent Construction to review their proposed plans and report back to Council. No action was taken.
Herman reported that there were 7 partial or total brick manholes on Main Street. LaGrange explored the replacement of the manholes prior to the Main Street rehabilitation project. Herman explained that the project costs would require the City to obtain competitive quotations and potentially competitive bids. In response to a question from Lux, Herman explained that costs would be covered by the Road Use fund. Consensus of the Council was to put together specifications and to obtain competitive quotations for the replacement of all 7 manholes.
Herman indicated that there was an opening on the Tree Board due to Russ Hodge’s resignation. Russ explained that his work obligations were not allowing him to make enough meetings.
Herman reported that a Sacred Heart Youth Group proposed to paint house numbers on City Curbs in front of homes as a fundraiser, charging a pre-agreed fee to the homeowner, utilizing black and white paint. Council voiced no objections to this proposal.
Herman explained that the City received two invoices related to a party for Tami Bartram. Herman explained that he believed certain Park Board members to have arranged the party and had incurred the expenses. The expenses known to date include a $120 invoice related to the purchase of a banner and $256 related to cupcake and cookie purchases. Herman explained that the invoices were not on the bill list as they were received after the packet had been sent out but that he wanted to make the Council aware of the invoices as they would be on the next agenda for consideration, and as the City had not historically incurred expenses such as these. Park and Recreation Board Chairperson Kim McQuillen was in attendance. She indicated that the Park and Recreation Board never officially approved the purchases in a meeting, but that they had other discussions and decided that the purchases and expenses were an appropriate recognition of Bartram’s years of service to the City, as her send off. No action was taken.
Zwolinski explained that finalization of the East South Street Reconstruction and the Airport Taxiway Improvements projects were on hold for the winter.
Zwolinski reported that the Main Street Rehabilitation project will likely be let for bid in April, starting after the fair and being completed in the fall. Herman stated that he had received 9 of the required temporary construction easements for this project with Caseys General Store being the only property owner to demand compensation for the easement. The easements were required for the City to make necessary ADA improvements to crosswalks at no expense to the property owners.
Zwolinski explained that East 1st Street Bridge final plans are due March 21st with easements to be finalized prior to that date. A small amount of tree clearing is necessary and must be completed by March 31st. Assuming the tree removal is completed prior to March 31st, construction could begin after the fair.
Zwolinski reported that preliminary plans related to the new Ten-T Hangar have been submitted to the FAA. The project is scheduled to be let for bids and constructed in 2017.
Zwolinski reported that they are waiting on a signature on agreement with the Utility Service Group, and that once it is received a preconstruction meeting will be set, with the Water Tower repainting project to be completed by October 16, 2017.
Zwolinski explained that they continue to work on wall design plan sheets related to the 6th Street Ditch project and plan to provide draft plans and easement information on or about March 17, 2017. Herman explained that he would recommend a loan agreement with a local bank to fund this project. Hinrichsen explained that the Storm Water fund revenues total approximately $30,000 per year.
Herman reviewed Dave Schoon’s revised plan to parcel off a house and accessory building from other buildings on one existing parcel, removing another building from the same parcel. He wants to parcel off the home and accessory building from other remaining buildings. If the new parcel boundary is centered between the new parcel and the remaining buildings, each building will nearly meet the 10’ setback as there is 19’8” between the buildings. Herman indicated that he and LaGrange could approve a project when the required and actual setback were within one foot of each other. Herman plans to review with the Planning and Zoning Board as well.
Herman explained that an Aerial Photographer had visited him to inquire whether or not the City would be interested in purchasing an aerial photograph of the City. No interest was expressed and no action was taken.
Herman reported that KCRG suggested the City move the camera used by KCRG to a downtown location and to upgrade the camera. Herman reported that he would investigate further. No action was taken.
Wolken moved to adjourn the Council meeting at 7:05 P.M., roll call vote unanimous.
Dena Himes, Mayor
Sally Hinrichsen, City Clerk