Special Council Meeting
March 23, 2020 – 6:00 P.M.
Community Media Center
Mayor Brian Wolken called the meeting to order. Council present: Dave Goedken, Candy Langerman, Chris Lux and Tom Yeoman. Councilmember Gary Feldmann joined the meeting electronically. Also present were City Administrator Doug Herman, City Clerk Sally Hinrichsen, Public Works Director Nick Kahler and Police Chief Britt Smith. City Engineer A.J. Barry joined meeting electronically. Councilmember Brenda Hanken was absent. The meeting was broadcast live on the Monticello Local Access Channel through Mediacom, was posted via Facebook Live on the City of Monticello Facebook Page, and the public was invited to participate in the meeting via Conference Call or by e-mailing questions to the City Administrator during the meeting in lieu of the public being allowed in the meeting room due to Covid-19 related concerns. No one from the public participated in the conference call and no e-mails were submitted during the meeting.
Yeoman moved to approve the agenda. Langerman seconded, roll call unanimous.
Herman explained that five bids were received for the 2020 E. 7th Street Reconstruction Project. Herman detailed issues with the intersection of N. Cedar Street and 7th Street, reporting as follows: sidewalk ramps are not up to ADA standards, a water valve does not work, the sewer manhole is brick and likely allows inflow and infiltration, the water and sewer mains are old, the water main being an undersized 4” main and the 8” sanitary sewer main being clay tile. Barry contacted the IDOT and they agreed to contribute towards this project as it would save expenses otherwise to be incurred by the IDOT in 2021 when they plan to grind and overlay Highway 38 through town. Barry explained that increasing the water main to 8” would improve looping of the water mains around town which would increase water volume and pressure in the north part of town. Barry did not feel these bids were affected by the Coronavirus and were good bids. Barry stated that the intersection of Cedar and 7th is low and for that reason has drainage issues that can only be remedied by removing and replacing pavement on N. Cedar Street / Highway 38 in a northerly and southerly direction from the intersection. Goedken stated that 7th Street was not identified within the Comprehensive Plan. Yeoman expressed his opinion that the project should be completed with the IDOT agreeing to pay $18,000 if we do it now. There were three bid options, Option 1 was for 7th Street to the “east” of the N. Sycamore Street Project to the point at which it meets N. Maple Street improvements. Option 2 included Option 1 work as well as 7th Street to the “west” on the North Sycamore Project to and including the intersection of 7th Street and N. Cedar Street. Option 3 includes everything in Option 2 as well as the intersection of 6th Street and N. Gill Street. For Bid Option 1, the low bid was submitted by Eastern Iowa Excavating, with a total bid of $111,934.60. For Bid Option 2, the low bid was submitted by Tschiggfrie Excavating in the amount of $442,719.55. For Bid Option 3, the low bid was submitted by Pirc Tobin Construction in the amount of $766,893.05. Yeoman moved to approve Resolution #2020-42 to award the 2020 E. 7th Street Reconstruction Project to Tschiggfrie Excavating in the amount of $442,719.55. Motion died due to a lack of a second. Langerman moved to reject all bids and seek new bids for the project, eliminating Option 3 from consideration. The Council also wanted a bid on just the western portion of 7th Street including the N. Cedar Street intersection, Lux seconded, roll call unanimous. Council directed Herman to work with City Engineer on a schedule moving forward and allowing for an extended construction period in the contract documents.
Langerman moved to adjourn at 6:44 P.M.
Brian Wolken, Mayor
Sally Hinrichsen, City Clerk