Regular Council Meeting
June 6, 2022 – 6:00 P.M.
Community Media Center
Mayor Dave Goedken called the meeting to order. Council present in person were: Wayne Peach, Candy Langerman, Chris Lux, and Brenda Hanken. Council present via Zoom were Scott Brighton and Tom Yeoman. Also present were City Administrator Russell Farnum, City Clerk Sally Hinrichsen, Water/Wastewater Superintendent Jim Tjaden, Library Director Michelle Turnis, Park & Rec Director Jacob Oswald and Public Works Director Nick Kahler. The public was invited to attend the meeting in person, with limited seating or to participate in the meeting electronically via “Zoom Meetings” and were encouraged to communicate from Zoom Meeting via chat, due to the heightened public health risks of the Coronavirus Pandemic (COVID-19). The meeting did have public attendance, both in-person and via Zoom.
Lux moved to approve agenda, Langerman seconded, roll call unanimous.
Open Forum: Bud Coyle, 515 N Sycamore, questioned why City lot on Sycamore has not been mowed. Mayor advised staff mow lot.
Langerman moved to approve the consent agenda, Peach seconded, roll call unanimous.
Farnum reported the next four resolutions are to approve the hiring of Ambulance On-call staff, Ambulance Part-Time Paramedics, Library seasonal staff, Aquatic Center seasonal staff and to fill vacancy of Full-Time Library staff. Lux moved to approve Resolution #2022-74 to approve the hiring of five Monticello Ambulance On-Call Service Members and setting wage, Langerman seconded, roll call unanimous.
Peach moved to approve Resolution #2022-75 to approve the hiring of two Monticello Ambulance Part-Time Paramedics and setting wage, Langerman seconded, roll call unanimous.
Hanken moved to approve Resolution #2022-76 to acknowledge the hiring of Monticello Library seasonal employee and full-time staff positions and setting wage, Lux seconded, roll call unanimous.
Lux moved to approve Resolution #2022-77 to approve the hiring of Monticello Aquatic Center staff, Hanken seconded, roll call unanimous.
Farnum reported the IDOT adjusted the new paving elevations on Hwy 38 repaving project, and some of the older manholes were not constructed to allow for the adjustment in the elevations. Other manholes need structural rehabilitation in order to withstand the manhole adjustment that needs to occur. The City share of lining, rehabbing and adjusting these manholes totals $ 31,565. IDOT is participating in the project, both financially and logistically, by providing traffic control and by paying for backfill of several unused manholes and valve vaults. IDOT is also paying for the replacement of a cracked cone on a manhole near Pizza Ranch on Oak Street. Langerman moved to approve Resolution #2022-78 to Approve Extra Work Order Proposal for Route 38/Cedar Street manhole repairs, Peach seconded, roll call unanimous.
Farnum gave an update on the Oak Street overlay project, which was put off until after school was out, and should be starting up again soon.
Farnum stated the Community Building improvements, including the curtains, wall repairs and painting are in progress and have made a large difference, thanks to Tom Norlin and Pam Foley.
Farnum reported someone intentionally ran into a security gate at the airport and then vandalized some of the hangars. A person was apprehended. The airport AWOS system failed. Alliant will run new service to the AWOS System.
Farnum reported City has had multiple issues with Republic and they have failed to provide acceptable service. Clerk’s Office has received numerous calls on items, containers and dumpsters not getting picked up. Staff worked with Republic to resolve all the issues and believe it is better now. After Council inquired on what issues were, Farnum stated their truck left one day and missed half of the town. Staff contacted Republic and they advised they would get it all the next day, however they still missed some. Republic has had truck issues, person on vacation and other issues.
Farnum reported the Main Street Committee was invited to give a presentation to the Main Street Board. This is a huge next step.
Peach stated the improvements of the former Compadres building front look great and made a huge difference in the looks.
Kahler stated Brighton had contacted him regarding using fire truck to hose down First Street, which they have not done in last four years. They do clean the streets with street sweeper about two times a month, but have not done it since the construction started. Once construction is completed, they will start sweeping again. Peach left the meeting.
Tjaden reported City received check from Alliant for damages.
Goedken advised he received several compliments on how good the Oakwood Cemetery looked Memorial Day weekend.
Lux requested Council to let her know if they want to ride in the 4th of July parade.
Hanken reported receiving complaints on garbage from dumpsters blowing around as they are dumping them. She inquired about someone who has a building permit, but one neighbor refuses to sign it because they don’t want to look at a garage. Goedken stated they can request to come before Council to consider the building permit application. She mentioned a bullying issue that was brought to her attention and was told they would need to talk to the police
Langerman moved to adjourn the meeting at 6:32 pm. They decided with two Council members on zoom and one left, they would place discussion on amending the Council
Rules of Order and Procedure on the next agenda.
Dave Goedken, Mayor
Sally Hinrichsen, City Clerk/Treasurer