Regular Council Meeting
July 18, 2022 – 6:00 P.M.
Community Media Center
Mayor Dave Goedken called the meeting to order. Council present were: Wayne Peach, Scott Brighton, Candy Langerman and Chris Lux. Also present were Deputy City Clerk Cheryl Clark, Water/Wastewater Superintendent Jim Tjaden, Library Director Michelle Turnis, Park & Rec Director Jacob Oswald, Public Works Director Nick Kahler and Police Chief Britt Smith. The public was invited to attend the meeting in person, with limited seating or to participate in the meeting electronically via “Zoom Meetings” and were encouraged to communicate from Zoom Meeting via chat, due to the heightened public health risks of the Coronavirus Pandemic (COVID-19). The meeting did have public attendance, both in-person and via Zoom.
Lux moved to approve agenda, Langerman seconded, roll call unanimous.
Bud Coyle, 515 North Sycamore, questioned how much money is in the stormwater fund from the monthly fee and why the money isn’t being used for the 6th Street ditch. Goedken stated that the money has been spent on stormwater projects and he will report back with the amount in the stormwater fund. Coyle stated that the City lot on Cedar was supposed to be cleaned up and nothing has been done. He also questioned if the increased sewer fees are going into a separate account. Goedken stated that the income generated from sewer goes to the sewer fund, and sewer expenses and projects is all the money can be spent on.
Langerman moved to approve the consent agenda, Peach seconded, roll call unanimous.
Langerman moved to approve Resolution #2022-91 authorizing and providing for the incurrence of indebtedness for the purpose of providing a portion of the cost of acquiring, constructing, enlarging, improving and/or extending its municipal facility to serve an area lawfully within its jurisdiction to serve, Brighton seconded, roll call unanimous.
Lux moved to approve Resolution #2022-92 authorizing the Mayor, City Administrator or City Clerk to sign all documents related to the USDA Rural Development bond, grant, and interim private funding to move forward with the Waste Water Treatment Facility Project, Peach seconded, roll call unanimous.
Langerman motioned to authorize painting of the Monticello Regional Airport City owned hangars, seconded by Brighton, roll call unanimous.
Kahler reported that two of the HVAC units in the Community Building Auditorium are not working. Langerman motioned to authorize HVAC repairs in the Community Building Auditorium, seconded by Lux, roll call unanimous.
Peach motioned to authorize repairs of the AWOS System at the Monticello Regional Airport, Langerman seconded, roll call unanimous.
Smith reported that there is a full-time position open for a police officer and hiring incentives are becoming a necessity. He recommended a $5,000 incentive, with $2,000 being paid on the first paycheck, $2,000 after six months and the final $1,000 to be paid after one year of employment. Smith stated that approximately $9,000 would be saved until an officer is hired, so the money would be in his budget for the incentive. Peach motioned to authorize Smith to proceed with offering a $5,000 incentive, as outlined above, Langerman seconded, roll call unanimous.
Smith reported that he has advertised on Facebook and with Indeed for the police officer position. He stated that if anyone had any other ideas on where he could advertise, let him know. He also stated that sweet corn is currently being sold at Kardes and questioned if there was any desire to have them apply for a food vendor or transient merchant permit. Langerman stated that the corn is raw, not cooked, and they aren’t going door to door, so she didn’t think a permit was necessary. Goedken questioned if there has been any complaints or issues and Smith stated no.
Tjaden reported that they got the new pickup with the snow plow last week and they are fixing a few items at the plant.
Oswald reported that there is an opening on the Tree Board. They are asking for those interested to submit a letter stating why they are interested in serving on the board and they will discuss the applicants prior to making a recommendation to the Council.
Turnis reported that the new employee they hired is doing well. The five-week Summer Outdoor Adventure Program with Jones County Conservation and the Parks and Rec Department is over. There were over 75 participants and 16-17 finished. There are approximately 350 participants in the Summer Reading Program, which is approximately 50 more than last year.
Brighton moved to adjourn the meeting 6:17 p.m.
Dave Goedken, Mayor
Cheryl Clark, Deputy City Clerk