Regular Council Meeting
January 6, 2025, 6:00 P.M.
Community Media Center
Mayor Wayne Peach called the meeting to order. Council present were: Josh Brenneman, Scott Brighton, Dave Goedken, Candy Langerman, Mary Phelan and Jake Ellwood. Also present were City Administrator Russell Farnum, City Clerk Sally Hinrichsen, Library Director Faith Brehm, Water/Wastewater Supt. Jim Tjaden, Public Works Director Nick Kahler and Police Chief Britt Smith The public was invited to attend the meeting in person, or to participate in the meeting electronically via “Zoom Meetings” or “Facebook” and were encouraged to communicate from the chat or message.
Brenneman moved to approve the agenda. Brighton seconded, roll call was unanimous.
Langerman moved to approve the consent agenda; Brenneman seconded. Ellwood questioned the invoice amount for the UV bulbs for wastewater facility. Tjaden stated they quoted the bulbs but not the shipping from Canada. Roll call was unanimous.
Mayor reviewed Council procedures related to amending votes, and Mayor Pro Tem presiding over a meeting and voting last. With it being budget time, he wanted to remind Council members to be orderly and to hear all comments before proceeding to a vote. He stated although all council members may not agree with the vote passed, they need to agree to disagree and support the majority vote.
Mayor Peach presented and proclaimed January 2025 as National Human Trafficking Prevention and Awareness Month in the City of Monticello, Iowa.
Goedken moved to approve Resolution #2025-1 Designating the Monticello Express as the Official Publication Newspaper for City of Monticello. Brighton seconded, roll call was unanimous.
Goedken moved to approve Resolution #2025-2 Approving the update of the Two Pole Signs and other signs on the Casey’s site located at 2100 S. Main Street. Ellwood seconded, roll call was unanimous.
Ellwood moved to approve Resolution #2025-3 Approving Plat of Survey to Parcel 2025-01. Langerman seconded, roll call was unanimous.
Brighton moved to approve Resolution #2025-4 Approving Plat of Survey to Parcel 2025-02. Goedken seconded. Roll call unanimous.
Brighton moved to approve Resolution #2025-5 Approving Agreement for Engineering Services Between HDR Engineering, Inc. and the City of Monticello for services and expenses related to the Apron/Taxiway Improvement project. Langerman seconded. Roll call was unanimous.
Farnum discussed dates and times for budget work sessions. Consensus of Council was to have budget work sessions on Monday in January and February 2025, when there was not a Council meeting, starting at 6 PM.
Farnum stated Jones County Economic Development has moved the house onto the foundation on the lot on North Chestnut Street. They are working on the finishing touches and are looking for a buyer. Anyone interested is asked to contact Derek at Jones County Economic Development for more information.
Farnum stated he was working with Hinrichsen on the budget to begin presenting to the Council.
Farnum is working on developments that will be going to Planning & Zoning and then to the Council in the near future.
Farnum advised that he and Park Director Jacob Oswald met with Fair Manager to go over the Fairground gateway project.
Hinrichsen advised she is putting the finishing touches on the request forms to add the Police and Ambulance charges to the Offset Program, if approved.
Hinrichsen stated the Auditors did the field work for City audit in September and are now working on finishing. They have been sending requests for additional information and documents.
Kahler reported the City holiday tree was taking down and hauled to the tree dump. He thanked Randy Mueller for his lift truck used to put up and take down the tree.
Smith advised he emailed Council his year end report
Brehm gave update on the Library usage for the past year and upcoming events at the Library.
Phelan moved to adjourn the meeting at 6:34 P.M.
Wayne Peach, Mayor
Sally Hinrichsen, City Clerk/Treasurer