Regular Council Meeting
January 20, 2025, 6:00 P.M.
Community Media Center
Mayor Wayne Peach called the meeting to order. Council present were: Josh Brenneman, Scott Brighton, Dave Goedken, Candy Langerman, Mary Phelan and Jake Ellwood. Also present were City Administrator Russell Farnum, City Clerk Sally Hinrichsen, Ambulance Director Lori Lynch, Water/Wastewater Supt. Jim Tjaden, Park & Rec Director Jacob Oswald and Police Chief Britt Smith The public was invited to attend the meeting in person, or to participate in the meeting electronically via “Zoom Meetings” or “Facebook” and were encouraged to communicate from the chat or message.
Brighton moved to approve the agenda. Brenneman seconded, roll call was unanimous.
Brenneman moved to approve the consent agenda; Langerman seconded. Roll call was unanimous.
Ellwood moved to approve Resolution #2025-6 Approving Pay Request #8 to Bill Bruce Builders, Inc., Re: Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvement Project in the amount of $1,910,154.24. Phelan seconded, roll call was unanimous.
Goedken moved to approve Resolution #2025-7 Accepting the 2024 Volunteer Fire Assistance (VFA) Grants Program and Approving the Memorandum of Understanding. Brenneman seconded, roll call was unanimous.
Brighton moved to approve Resolution #2025-8 Approving Program Independent Contractor Agreement for Park and Rec program “Growing up wild”. Ellwood seconded, roll call was unanimous.
Goedken moved to table Resolution #2025-9 Approving the hiring of Monticello Park and Recreation part-time Adult Recreation and Special Events Coordinator and setting wages. Motion died due to a lack of a second.
Ellwood moved to approve Resolution #2025-9 Approving the hiring of Monticello Park and Recreation part-time Adult Recreation and Special Events Coordinator and setting wages, with the stipulation as was mentioned before: that Council sees that it is profitable; that Kara is covering her own costs or at least a majority of the costs and Council can re-evaluate position in six-months Goedken seconded. Roll call unanimous.
Brighton moved to approve Resolution #2025-10 Preliminarily approving Proposed Amendment to Monticello Urban Renewal Plan to include the KwikStar project, and to schedule a Public Hearing on the proposed Urban Renewal Plan amendment for the 17th day of February, 2025, at 6:00 p.m. Brenneman seconded. Roll call was unanimous.
Brenneman moved to approve Resolution #2025-11 Preliminarily approving proposed Development Agreement between the City of Monticello and Kwik Trip Inc. and scheduling a Public Hearing on the proposed agreement. Brighton seconded. Roll call was unanimous. Hearing will be held on the 17th day of February, 2025, at 6:00 p.m.
Brighton moved to approve Resolution #2025-12 Approving Roger W. Stephen Voluntary Pre-Annexation Agreement, Ellwood seconded. Roll call was unanimous.
Goedken moved to approve Resolution #2025-13 Approving and Accepting the Voluntary Annexation of certain properties generally described as 55 acres of land located on the east side of South Main Street, adjoining the City of Monticello for at least fifty feet and not creating an island, as same is defined within Iowa Code §368.7(2). Brighton seconded. Roll call was unanimous.
Brenneman moved to approve Resolution #2025-14 Scheduling Public Hearing on the proposed Re-Zoning of a portion of the Stephen property to M-1 Industrial, C-3 Commercial, R-1 Residential, R-3 Multiple Family Residential, as may be appropriate, for February 3, 2025 at 6:00 p.m. Langerman seconded. Roll call was unanimous.
Farnum reported he has been working with developers and their agreements.
Lynch gave a yearend report on staff and calls in 2024.
Hinrichsen reported working on budget and looking into various software options with Farnum.
Smith reported the individual that was stealing and/or breaking into cars around town was caught. Farnum stated it is a good idea to always lock your doors.
Tjaden reported that the contractor at the wastewater treatment facility has poured the south wall and has heat running for it. He reported a water main leak in the Vanourney Addition, which ran vertically under the main and having Roto-Roter clean a line on Burroughs, which was filled with tree roots. He felt this would be a good main to look at lining in the near future.
Oswald stated he has been working on the budget. He reported on programs that were currently happening and programs that registration is currently open.
Brenneman moved to adjourn the meeting at 6:37 P.M.
Wayne Peach, Mayor
Sally Hinrichsen, City Clerk/Treasurer