Regular Council Meeting
February 3, 2025, 6:00 P.M.
Community Media Center
Mayor Wayne Peach called the meeting to order. Council present were: Josh Brenneman, Scott Brighton, Dave Goedken, Candy Langerman, Mary Phelan and Jake Ellwood. Also present were City Administrator Russell Farnum, City Clerk Sally Hinrichsen, Public Works Director Nick Kahler, Water/Wastewater Supt. Jim Tjaden, Library Director Faith Brehm and Police Chief Britt Smith. The public was invited to attend the meeting in person, or to participate in the meeting electronically via “Zoom Meetings” or “Facebook” and were encouraged to communicate from the chat or message.
Ellwood moved to approve the agenda. Brighton seconded, roll call was unanimous.
Langerman moved to approve the consent agenda; Brenneman seconded. Roll call was unanimous.
Mayor opened Public Hearing on proposed Amendment to the Zoning Map of the City of Monticello, changing the zoning on the following property to “M-1” Light Manufacturing, “C-3” Commercial, “R-3” Multi Family Residential, and “R-1” Single Family Residential. No public comments were received. Mayor closed the hearing. Brighton moved to approve Ordinance #776 amending the Monticello Code of Ordinances, by amending Chapter 165 “ZONING REGULATIONS” and amending the Official Zoning Map, first reading in title only. Ellwood seconded. Roll call was unanimous.
Langerman moved to approve Resolution #2025-15 Approving Kardes 38 Site Plan, Goedken seconded, roll call was unanimous.
Goedken moved to approve Resolution #2025-16 Approving the use of Tax Increment Financing receipts to cover a portion of the professional fees invoiced by PFM Financial Advisors, in relation to the N. Chestnut Street Reconstruction Bond Issue. Brenneman seconded, roll call was unanimous.
Goedken moved to approve Resolution #2025-17 Approving the use of Tax Increment Financing receipts to cover the engineering fees from Snyder & Associates, the City’s engineer, in relation to the N. Chestnut Street Reconstruction Project. Ellwood seconded, roll call was unanimous.
Staff updated Council on current and upcoming activities.
Work session on Fiscal Year 2025-2026 budget was held. Staff answered Council member’s questions related to the budget. No action was taken
Phelan moved to adjourn the meeting at 6:50 P.M.
Wayne Peach, Mayor
Sally Hinrichsen, City Clerk/Treasurer