Regular Council Meeting
December 16, 2024, 6:00 P.M.
Community Media Center
Mayor Pro Tem Scott Brighton called the meeting to order. Council present were: Josh Brenneman, Dave Goedken, Candy Langerman, Mary Phelan and Jake Ellwood. Also present were City Administrator Russell Farnum, City Clerk Sally Hinrichsen, Library Director Faith Brehm, Water/Wastewater Supt. Jim Tjaden, Park & Rec Director Jacob Oswald, Ambulance Director Lori Lynch and Police Chief Britt Smith The public was invited to attend the meeting in person, or to participate in the meeting electronically via “Zoom Meetings” or “Facebook” and were encouraged to communicate from the chat or message.
Brenneman moved to approve the agenda. Langerman seconded, roll call was unanimous.
Langerman moved to approve the consent agenda; Brenneman seconded. Ellwood questioned the Mosca Design Inc. invoice amount. Oswald stated they received a Give to Grow Grant for $10,000, Monticello Main Street donated $7,500 and the remaining portion will be paid with donations given to the City. Oswald advised additional invoices would be paid in the next batch of bills. Goedken would like the bill list to indicate what the rental is for, when equipment is leased. Roll call was unanimous.
Ingels reported Iowa Concrete Paving Association presented to the City of Monticello the “2024 Excellence in Concrete Awards” for outstanding streets and intersections on the North Chestnut Street Reconstruction.
Goedken moved to approve Resolution #2024-182 Approving the hiring of a Monticello Ambulance Full-Time EMT and setting wage. Brenneman seconded, roll call was unanimous.
Goedken moved to approve Resolution #2024-183 Approving the hiring of a Monticello Ambulance On-Call EMT and setting wage. Ellwood seconded, roll call was unanimous.
Goedken moved to approve Resolution #2024-184 Accepting bids related to Ambulance and auto cot loading system and to approve purchase of Ambulance and auto cot loading system from Legacy Emergency Vehicles. Ellwood seconded, roll call was unanimous.
Ellwood moved to approve Resolution #2024-185 Approving the Creation of a Monticello Park and Recreation Adult Recreation and Events Coordinator Position, with the stipulation that the 100-hour seasonal help position be eliminated. Goedken seconded. Roll call unanimous.
Goedken moved to approve Resolution #2024-186 Approving Fiscal Sponsorship Agreement with Monticello Firefighters Organization for Community Foundation Grant(s) to purchase 2-way Radios. Phelan seconded. Roll call was unanimous.
Ellwood moved to approve Resolution #2024-187 Approving Pay Request #7 to Bill Bruce Builders, Inc., Re: Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvement Project in the amount of $1,732,849.31, Phelan seconded. Roll call was unanimous.
Goedken moved to approve Resolution #2024-188 Approving Pay Request #1 to Highland Corporation, Re: Northridge Estates Fifth Addition Improvement Project in the amount of $126,469.00. Brenneman seconded, roll call was unanimous.
Langerman moved to approve Resolution #2024-189 Approving purchase of Trojan U.V. Bulbs for the Wastewater Treatment Facility in the amount of $14,464.00. Goedken seconded, roll call was unanimous.
Farnum reported the City insurance carrier EMC Insurance has mandated that a Fire Alarm notification system be installed to continue coverage to the City Hall/Community Center Facility. Smith sought bids from three vendors and reviewed the bids with the Council. After the bids were reviewed, Brenneman moved to approve Resolution #2024-190 Approving quote for purchase and installation of Fire Monitoring Equipment for City Hall and Community Center, from Midwest Alarm Services in the not to exceed amount of $30,431.74. Langerman seconded, roll call was unanimous.
Langerman moved to approve rental rate and Memorandum of Understanding for Tough Entertainment specific to Winter Bounce. Phelan seconded, roll call was unanimous.
Langerman moved Ordinance #776 amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of Monticello, Iowa, by Adding a New Chapter 126 Entitled “CONSUMABLE HEMP AND MARIJUANA PRODUCTSALES”, third and final reading in title only. Goedken seconded. Roll call unanimous.
Farnum advised the Cemetery Board is looking for two board members and the Library is looking for one board member, that lives in Jones County but outside the City limits.
Farnum reported the Fire Department has ordered the fire truck chassis from Toyne, as the other bid came in $100,000 higher.
Farnum is working on two developments that will be going to Planning & Zoning and then to the Council.
Farnum reported that Public Works had two trucks out on Saturday during the ice storm, due to staff vacations. He stated they did the best that could be done, as it was freezing as quick as they plowed.
Tjaden reported that there was a water leak, just before Thanksgiving, on North Cedar Street. The property owner asked who was responsible for the repairs and who the City typically hired to do this type of work. Tjaden advised that Mitch with Pirc-Tobin was in town working on another project and talked to him. Mitch agreed to do the work and after the work was completed, he never charged the property owner for the work and told him to have a good holiday.
Tjaden reported that Scott Hagen has completed his Grade 1 Certifications in water and sewer. Hagen is working on his Grade 2 certifications now.
Oswald thanked everyone who helped with and attended the Holiday on 1st event Saturday. He also thanked the businesses who were open during the event.
Brehm advised they had 398 come through the door on Saturday for the Holiday on 1st event.
Brehm advised a lady in Arizona donated a picture done by the 1st Art teacher at the Monticello Community School.
Hinrichsen reported the IDOT is proposing HMA Crack sealing on IA-38 from Hwy 151 to East 9th Street during the 2025 construction period. Goedken felt the parking areas, should be looked at and sealed if needed.
Hinrichsen has the utility billing accounts entered into the Setoff Program with the State and is now working to get the Ambulance and Police accounts approved, so they can be entered.
Hinrichsen reported the current software carrier has increased the annual fee by over $10,000 and is requiring everything be moved to the cloud by the end of 2025. Staff is looking into options, as their cloud services has a lot of issues, according to other cities who have already moved to the cloud system.
Council held a work session on the Sidewalk Policy. No action was taken.
Council held a work session on the budget timeline, and it was decided to wait until January to do budget. No action was taken.
Brenneman moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:21 P.M.
Scott Brighton, Mayor Pro Tem
Sally Hinrichsen, City Clerk/Treasurer