Special Council Meeting
August 31, 2020 – 5:15 P.M.
Community Media Center
Mayor Pro Tem Dave Goedken called the meeting to order. Council present: Brenda Hanken, Gary Feldmann, Candy Langerman, Chris Lux and Tom Yeoman. Also present were City Administrator Doug Herman, City Clerk Sally Hinrichsen, Public Works Director Nick Kahler and Police Chief Britt Smith. Mayor Brian Wolken joined electronically during the meeting to listen. The public was invited to attend the meeting in person, with limited seating or to participate in the meeting electronically via “Zoom Meetings” and were encouraged to communicate from Zoom Meeting via chat, due to the heightened public health risks of the Coronavirus Pandemic (COVID-19). The meeting did have public attendance, both in-person and via Zoom.
Lux moved to approve the agenda, Yeoman seconded, roll call unanimous.
Herman reviewed the FEMA Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) application he has been working on at the prior direction of the Council seeking a grant to cover a large portion of the costs to purchase and demolish the property located at 100 North Main Street and locally known as the “Old Energy Building”. Owner Ron Welter commented that the building has flooded five times since 1993. Owners Ron and Dave Welter acknowledged that they would probably build a new building in the Welter Commercial Park if the grant and buyout went through. Ron Welter also noted that in past buyouts the Council did not condition the buyout on the construction of a new building. Herman explained that the HMGP grant is not a competitive grant instead being tied to meeting certain grant qualifications, in this case repetitive and significant flooding. Herman reviewed the purchase prices of properties bought out through the HMGP program by the City in this area in 2002 and 2010, a total of 12 properties. Herman advised that even with the approval of this application and Resolution that he would continue to explore two other grants that are both competitive but that would not require a City match. The HMGP grant would cover the purchase price, demolition, asbestos removal and administrative fees, with a Federal match of 75%, State match of 10% and local match of 15%. This area would become a green space. Herman stated the estimated City 15% share would be $67,275.00, which he proposed would come from the general fund. Council questioned whether the project would come back to them if the City cost share came in greater than the estimated amount and Herman explained that it would, explaining that the project is voluntary on the part of the owner and the City, and either can back out if they later determine that to be appropriate. Herman commented that cleaning up and removing old dilapidated industrial /commercial properties was identified as a priority during the recent Council goal setting and the removal of this property fits that goal. Yeoman moved to approve Resolution #2020-91 to approve Local Match for the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program, Lux seconded, roll call unanimous.
Feldmann moved to adjourn at 5:45 P.M.
Brian Wolken, Mayor
Sally Hinrichsen, City Clerk