RESOLUTION #09-91 Approving Change Order #1 in the Increased Amount of $7,699.50 to Horsfield Construction for the 2009 South Cedar Street Reconstruction Project WHEREAS, The City of Monticello, Iowa is an incorporated city within Jones County, Iowa; and WHEREAS, Horsfield Construction has …
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Resolution 09-90
RESOLUTION #09-90 Resolution to approve plans and Specifications, form of contract and estimate of cost for the Public Safety Building, a/k/a Emergency Response Center. WHEREAS, The City of Monticello has sought the preparation of plans and specifications for a Public Safety Building a/k/a …
Resolution 09-89
RESOLUTION #09-89 Resolution to approve Sale of Pumper Truck to High Bidder WHEREAS, The Monticello Fire Department has replaced an outdated pumper truck with the plan of selling the outdated model, and WHEREAS, The Monticello Fire Department advertised the pumper truck both in the Monticello …