RESOLUTION #10-55 Resolution Approving Plat of Survey of Parcel 2010-19 WHEREAS, A Plat of Survey setting out Parcel 2010-19, located within the two-mile jurisdiction of the City of Monticello, has been presented for approval, and WHEREAS, The City Planning and Zoning Board has reviewed said …
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Resolution 10-54
RESOLUTION #10-54 Approving Amanda (Gile) Hackney Application for Tax Exemption on Residential Improvements constructed at 955 Valley Drive, Monticello, Iowa. WHEREAS, Monticello has enacted an Urban Revitalization Tax Abatement program and codified same at Chapter 10 of the Monticello Code of …
Resolution 10-53
RESOLUTION NO. 10-53 Resolution authorizing a Loan Agreement and providing for the issuance of $1,310,000 General Obligation Refunding Bonds, Series 2010 and providing for the levy of taxes to pay the same WHEREAS, pursuant to a resolution (the “2002 Water Revenue Resolution”) adopted by the City …