The City of Monticello, Iowa IN THE NAME AND BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, IOWA RESOLUTION #2021-122 Resolution to approve the proposed plans, specifications, form of contract and estimate of cost for the East 7th Street Utility Improvements Project WHEREAS, the City …
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Resolution 21-121
THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, IOWA IN THE NAME AND BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, IOWA RESOLUTION #2021-121 Resolution to approve sale of City Owned Property located at 103 West First Street WHEREAS, The City Council previously agreed to accept bids on City owned property near …
Resolution 21-120
MOTION FAILED The City of Monticello, Iowa IN THE NAME AND BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, IOWA RESOLUTION #2021-120 Resolution authorizing the Russell Farnum City Administrator to sign all documents related to the Mitigation Project providing funding to assist with …