The City of Monticello, Iowa RESOLUTION #2023-151 Appropriating funds necessary to meet the City’s Obligation to Kardes Inc. per Development Agreement dated March 17, 2014 WHEREAS, The Council approved a Development Agreement with Kardes Inc by Resolution #14-31 dated March 17, 2014, …
Resolution 23-150
THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, IOWA RESOLUTION #2023-150 Approving FY 2022-2023 Street Finance Report WHEREAS, The City of Monticello is obligated to prepare and submit a report, annually, setting out the balances, revenues, expenses associated with our receipts and expenses and …
Resolution 23-149
The City of Monticello, Iowa RESOLUTION #2023-149 Appropriating funds necessary to meet the City’s Obligation to Monticello Main Street Iowa Program Agreement WHEREAS, The Council approved a Main Street Iowa ProgramAgreement with Monticello Main Street Iowathat included the City’s pledge …