RESOLUTION #10-106 Resolution to authorize submission of IDOT Pavement Maintenance Application and to further authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the Iowa Department of Transportation Agreement for Airport Pavement Maintenance Grant, if and when the Grant is awarded. WHEREAS, The City …
Resolution 10-105
RESOLUTION #10-105 Resolution to approve Purchase of 2002 John Deere 6420 for use at the Monticello Airport. WHEREAS, the City Airport contains large areas of grounds that require mowing, and WHEREAS, during heavy winter snows, particularly when there are numerous heavy snows, the runways at …
Resolution 10-104
RESOLUTION #10-104 Certification to the County Treasurer of Charges related to Nuisance Abatement procedures employed by the City of Monticello WHEREAS, the City of Monticello, Iowa is an incorporated City within Jones County, Iowa; and WHEREAS, the City abated a nuisance that existed on the …