The City of Monticello, Iowa IN THE NAME AND BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, IOWA RESOLUTION #13-54 Resolution to approve purchase of Pickup from Freese Motors for P.W. Dpt. at a cost of $22,900.00 WHEREAS, the Water/Sewer Dpt. budgets provide for the purchase of a new pickup, …
Resolution 13-53
The City of Monticello, Iowa IN THE NAME AND BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, IOWA RESOLUTION #13-53 Resolution to approve pay increase for Police Chief Britt Smith. WHEREAS, the Employment Agreement of Police Chief Britt Smith provides that his salary shall be determined by agreement of …
Resolution 13-52
The City of Monticello, Iowa IN THE NAME AND BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, IOWA RESOLUTION #13-52 Re-Appointing Britt Smith as Monticello Chief of Police WHEREAS, The Mayor recommends to the City Council that Britt Smith be re-appointed Chief of Police, and WHEREAS, The Chief of …