Residential Sanitation & Recycling
- The City of Monticello contracts Republic Services to collect residential waste curbside weekly. Container ‘totes’ or ‘yardie carts’ have been provided to the residents of Monticello and should stay with the property upon sale of the home. If very little trash is generated, and a ‘tote’ is not wanted by the resident, up to three (3) bags may be placed curbside. Additional waste set out alongside the ‘tote’ can be picked up with the purchase of a sticker from City Hall.
- Waste collection for residents has been divided into two halves with First Street being the dividing line for North and South side of town. One exception is the homes east of Kitty Creek and Riverview Court, which are serviced on South side collection days.
- North side of First Street is collected on Wednesdays and South side of First Street is collected on Fridays.
- If a holiday falls on or prior to the collection day, it will push the collection day back by one day, and Republic will pick up on Saturdays if that happens.
- Recycling containers have also been distributed to residents. Recycling is picked up on alternate Thursdays, with the same North and South split as waste collection. Schedules can be picked up at City Hall or found on the website. Two items currently not allowed in recycling, is any glass and any plastic bag, which should be placed in your garbage.
Residential Bulk Items
- Residents are allowed to set out one bulk item per month. The item will be removed on your regular scheduled day. Please contact City Hall and inform them of the item you will be setting out and the address for which it will be at. It is best to call at least three full business days prior to your scheduled residential service day to allow time to get the information forwarded to Republic Services. Bulk item examples: items are considered “one” in the full sense of use- a bed will consist of box spring, mattress, and frame.
Electronics & Appliances
- Stickers can be purchased from City Hall for the disposal of home appliances and electronics
- Appliances and white goods (furnaces, microwaves, washing machines, dryers, dishwashers, refrigerators, freezers, dehumidifiers, water heaters, trash compactors, etc) will be picked up if the $10.00 city tag is on the item.
- Electronics (tv’s, laptops, monitors, devices with a picture tube/screen, etc) will be picked up if the $15.00 city tag is on the item.
- The Public Works Street Department will collect these items any time of the year for delivery to the Jones County Transfer Station. These goods will then be picked up by a private company for recycling.
Commercial Dumpsters
- Commercial dumpsters are provided and serviced by Republic Services exclusively in Monticello through a City Ordinance. One major reason for contracting one hauler is to limit the number of trucks traveling throughout the community.